An equation with a successful result
Joaquim Santos and Manfred Schulz founded Santos & Schulz in 2001, to respond to the challenging production market for all types of plastic injection molds for a wide variety of industries worldwide.

To respond to international demand in a particularly demanding sector - the manufacture of plastic injection molds, specialization was imperative.
In this context, the formation of a group of companies that manufacture plastic injection molds, with units specialized in specific molds for large parts, small parts, very technical and less technical parts was the path traced.
Technique + Rigor + Strategy + Knowledge
= An equation with a successful result
At the heart of the mold industry - Marinha Grande - a sector that has over 500 companies in Portugal, and employs 11,000 highly skilled workers, Santos & Schulz is prepared to be able to respond to the most demanding specifications, focused on overcoming challenges , with the total confidence of its customers.
Only those who have a deep knowledge of the plastic injection molding industry are able to give a competitive and winning answer. Santos & Schulz uses its vast experience of more than 20 years to respond to the challenges that the most demanding international customers pose.